
Workscape is kicking off our 25th year!

Jan 1, 2021

orkscape is kicking off our 25th year!

2020 will be a year we will always remember. There were ups and downs and twists and turns. We united and worked in ways we previously never thought were possible. And through it all we continued to install new projects and help clients, architects, and designers solve problems for how they to change and evolve their space. We continued to focus on how we can do it better and exceed our customer’s expectations. The workplace is evolving and Workscape is committed to be on the forefront of this evolution. As we head into our 25th year of operation we are reminded of what the Greek philosopher, Heracilitus, said “change is the only constant.” We look forward to partnering as we interpret how what this change means for the future of workscapes.

Some of our favorite projects of the year:


"One of the more meaningful and timely features of the DIRTT system is short-term and long-term adaptability. Some solutions are based one stablishing a standard module for wall panels that can be initially configured to serve immediate needs but also reconfigured in the long-term to adapt to the changing workplace environment. Similarly, DIRTT offers solutions which can address short-term adaptability in the workplace at a moments notice (LEAF). This adaptability is baked into the essence of the DIRTT solution and continues to reinforce my belief that pre fabricated, modular construction has arrived and will be the method of choice as we discover the face of the workplace going forward."

-Keith Etzweiler, DIRTT Project Manager

University of Pittsburgh, Learning, Research & Development Center

"This project was a challenge as the users and architectural firm changed after the product was ordered.  We had to scramble to change programming and layouts so we could utilize as much of the existing (ordered) product and determine what new product would need to be ordered to complete the new project.  A lot of work to make this successful and with minimal hiccups. Hats off to our amazing team for making it all come together!"  

- Mary Monahan, Vice President          


"Because of the pandemic, the entire project - everything from the bid process, to furniture selections and client meetings - was handled virtually. Despite the unorthodox circumstances, our teams did not miss a beat!"

- Kevin Martz, Vice President

 Smith & Nephew

"Phase 2 of Smith & Nephew was designed over the first part of the pandemic. Many months of weekly Zoom design and finish meetings resulted in a beautiful furniture installation."

-Marisa D'Ascenzo, Interior Designer

 "We worked with Smith & Nephew, JLL and Perkins Eastman on this great project. It was exciting to be an integral part of the design process from the beginning. The end result is a beautiful and timeless project that I am proud to be a part of. "

-Amie Piz, Vice President, Business Development & Strategy

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